Dude, I don't know how to tell you. I also go through times when I think badly of myself. But as the biggest fan of your work, the only thing I can do is send words of support.
Beast machine mastodon destruction, more handsome than handsome squidward, unique funny guy with impressively good in everything, perfect mister god omnipresent and omnipotent, being the creator of everything, the picaso of our time, with the future of art in his backpack. You are so perfect that you can cure Dora the Explorer's blindness, you are so perfect that you make the USB enter the first time, you are so perfect that Jesus adores you, so perfect that some simple illustrations have so captivated a human being who loves you. with all his soul your work and who dedicates his time to emphasize how good you are.
I know I went a little overboard, but I had to give words of support, to boost morale.