Bro is in The Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny
Bro is in The Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny
I haven't seen such creative artwork for a video game in months.
If this is a sketch, your whole artwork must be great, because for a sketch it's very well done.
wow, thank you for the nice conment!
You put this in an abstract art auction and they buy it for $3 million.
lol ty
Why so Serious?
¡wow cuanto sabes de armas! Las diferencias entre años pareces casi imperceptibles ¿Qué diferencias hay entre el modelo IZHMASH 1970 y 1972?
Si te refieres a éstos fusiles de asalto AK-47 Tipo 3, no hay ninguna, todas las armas que ves aquí son copias totalmente exactas, sin la más mínima diferencia. Pero yo dibujé las copias de cada década con diferentes cargadores y pistoletes para que se pudieran distinguir mejor. Aquí te envío este enlace como prueba de lo que te estoy explicando:
First drawing that you upload to the platform, I hope you upload more because you draw very well. Just a question, are anthropormorphic seals furrys?
They may be from different generations, but earthbound's protagonists know how to rock and roll.
One thing I appreciate about you, is that whenever I see the section of undiscovered artists (my favorite section, as it is always good to support with messages of support to unknown artists like me), I always see you, always commenting art of little known people.
I appreciate you man, keep it up, keep being an example to follow.
Aww, thank youuu! >^< Hope you all have a great week! :>
Hombre, he/him
NG user
Joined on 5/14/24