*Monkey sounds* bananas? ... BANANAS!!!
*Then the alien kill the monkey*
*Monkey sounds* bananas? ... BANANAS!!!
*Then the alien kill the monkey*
cute and cool at same time
thanks! :]
no too much artist in Newgrounds have a refenrence sheet for the OC. So thanks i think
I only say one thing. I draw worse and i plublish in NG.
In my personal i dont like the country ships. But you draw too good the faces. I think you can be a vey good country balls/humans user.
Me recuerda al furby gigante de los Mitchell vs las maquina (peliculón de Netflix). Dibujas muy bien, ojala mas gente te conozca.
Good draw, but i think if you turn you art in digital can have more image quality. But if you dont want, is ok is only a idea
Thanks for the tip:)
Good work, but next time try to make different images and put all the different images in the post. Is perfect for comics.
got it.
allucard is the most ignored character in pico school, i like someone make its.
nuh uh, backround dead kid #23 is
Hombre, he/him
NG user
Joined on 5/14/24