Yo, good work
Yo, good work
Its is the creepy story of Gru.exe
I love the description of pelo say concha. If you are from USA concha means kittens, so if someone ask you, i love kittens = Amo las conchas
The last one is literraly the first time in NG for everyone
I love it, it remember me the best cartoons. Before i what to know the Lore of steven universe or adventure time, before the amazing world of gumball became a shitpost idol, before knowing the powerpuff girls actual are a reboot. Is posible isnt a good time, is posible is only my nostalgia, but i dont care, i want old times.
Happy birthday!!!!
Las flipantes aventuras de Eustaquio el pirata del sombrerito y sus amigos los piratas colorados
Luffy: sere el rey de los mariguanos y encontrare la heroina y navegare por los siete toques
Es Fufy, Ñoro, Kranji, Ñusopp, Tomper Y gnomo(el mejor tripulante)
Luffy: ayuda me estire de mas😢
Chopper y ussop: ayuda soy de peru
Zoro: ayuda no comi en tres dias😢
Nami: ayuda me compro pixar😢
El nomo:🗿😈
Sanji, creo que lo que hechaste a la comida no era perejil.
Creditos: Todos los que comentaron en el short de escardi sobre el uña pieñe
when someone ask you what us newgrounds, its is newgrounds.
its your canon event
the best game character
Hombre, he/him
NG user
Joined on 5/14/24